Our Vision – To see and serve all who may be overlooked and to “go and do likewise” as we’re called to do in Luke 10:37.

Kathryn Maleney

Grant Writer, Chester County


Kathryn Maleney is a prize-winning writer and editor, working for Good Samaritan Services since 2009. Prior to her service at GSS, she spent ten years working for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Friends Weekend Workcamp, a program that helped people of different backgrounds and ethnicities come together in Philadelphia’s Mantua neighborhood to do hands-on home repair work and to puzzle through the causes and effects of racism and poverty in the USA. Kathryn’s studies at Marlboro College prepared her for the work of addressing issues of poverty and homelessness, having majored in Religion, Literature, and History, writing her thesis on the problem of ethical action in an age without absolutes. Further graduate studies in Counseling Psychology at Chestnut Hill College and spirituality at the Living School of Action & Contemplation have added to her understanding of the needs and challenges of those who are homeless. Besides grant writing, Kathryn writes poetry, paints, draws and is a mother to two young adults.


Kathryn Maleney

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