Our Vision – To see and serve all who may be overlooked and to “go and do likewise” as we’re called to do in Luke 10:37.

Christine Hibbert

Resource Coordinator

Lancaster County Program

Christine (Chris) Hibbert joined the Good Sam team as a Resource Coordinator in November 2022. Chris brings a wealth of experience and a compassionate heart to her role. Holding a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from Shippensburg University, Christine’s commitment to social services is evident in her extensive professional and volunteer background.

Before joining Good Sam, Chris served as the Director of Social Services at REAL Life Community Services, where she honed her skills in managing social programs and supporting diverse community needs. Having collaborated with Good Sam resource coordinators in her previous role, Chris witnessed firsthand the organization’s commitment to and genuine care for clients. Inspired by the friendly and professional staff, she eagerly embraced the opportunity to join the Good Sam team. Chris says that with God’s help, she is able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our participants.

Christine is not only a teacher for Reamstown Bible Adventure but has also been a devoted driver for the Ephrata Meals on Wheels program for an impressive 16 years. Her altruistic spirit extends globally, having participated in mission trips to Taiwan, Bonaire, West Virginia, New Mexico, and Philadelphia.

In her personal life, Christine finds fulfillment in her faith and community involvement. Actively participating in Victory Church in Ephrata, she engages in a small group Bible study and contributes to the outreach and hospitality teams. Married to her husband, Bob, for 31 years, they cherish their time together, enjoying activities such as hiking, traveling, and biking rails to trails. An ice cream enthusiast, Christine and her family always cap off their biking adventures with a sweet treat.


Christine Hibbert

Do you have a question specifically for a Good Sam team member? Please reach out today, and we will get your inquiry answered as soon as possible!