Our Vision – To see and serve all who may be overlooked and to “go and do likewise” as we’re called to do in Luke 10:37.

Brittany Torres

Community Engagement Coordinator, Lancaster County

Brittany joined the Good Sam team in December 2022. Prior to Good Sam, she worked with children as a preschool teacher for 10 years, and as a sales coordinator and an executive assistant to the CFO of a non-profit, Global Disciples.

As a single mom, Brittany says her heart has a passion to walk alongside other single parents and their children to bring hope, show Christ’s love, and make them not feel alone in their journey. Her heart for the “least of these” and the desire to help those in need is something she has felt for a long time and I have prayed God would let me use for His glory and Good Sam encompasses all of these things.

Brittany loves interacting with people and aims to be a light at Good Sam both with coworkers and the people we serve. Her hope is to help contribute to building something long lasting that will help link the hearts of others to the heart of Good Sam and be able to reach the most people we can in the best, most helpful way.

Brittany also serves on the Connections Team at her church, Worship Center, and volunteers with Hope Inspire Love to mentor sexually abused/trafficked girls and women.

Brittany is a loving mother to her son, Blake. They live in Ephrata with their cat, Panther. Brittany views her faith as the foundation in her life. She is so thankful for the grace and love of Jesus and strives to show that same love to others. In her free time, Brittany enjoys spending time with her son whether they are adventuring to a new place, or just enjoying a movie or game night at home. Some of her other hobbies include exploring the outdoors, reading, journaling, checking out cafes and restaurants, and spending time with friends and family!


Email: brittanyt@goodsamservices.org
Phone: (717) 237-9999


Brittany Torres

Do you have a question specifically for a Good Sam team member? Please reach out today, and we will get your inquiry answered as soon as possible!