Our Vision – To see and serve all who may be overlooked and to “go and do likewise” as we’re called to do in Luke 10:37.

Katie Souders

Outreach Resource Coordinator

Lancaster County Programs

Katie first started working at Good Sam as one of our Winter Shelter Staff in the winter of 2023 and transitioned into her current role as Outreach Resource Coordinator in March of 2025. In her role, she will provide comprehensive case management to our Winter Shelter participants and foster meaningful connections with those facing homelessness in the Ephrata community. After living in Ephrata for the past 35 years, she has a vested interest in the area and looks forward to strengthening relationships between the community and Good Sam. Prior to this role, Katie worked at Lititz UMC and has volunteered as an EMT, at a local clothing bank and with local nonprofits. She brings a wealth of experience and a heart of compassion to the team!


Katie Souders

Do you have a question specifically for a Good Sam team member? Please reach out today, and we will get your inquiry answered as soon as possible!